United States Senate Inquiry

Day 4

The subcommittee met at 10 o'clock a. m.

Present: Senators William Alden Smith (chairman), Perkins, Burton, Newlands, and Fletcher.

Senator SMITH.
When we closed the hearing yesterday afternoon Mr. Boxhall, the third officer of the Titanic, was on the stand. It had been the intention of the committee to recall him this morning and the reason for not doing so is the following note:

APRIL 23, 1912.

This is to certify that Mr. J. B. Boxhall, third officer of the Titanic, is under my professional care and treatment and that, in my opinion, he is physically unable to appear before the Senate investigating committee today.



Herbert John Pitman  –  Third Officer, SS Titanic
Testimony - Biography

Frederick Fleet  –  Lookout, SS Titanic
Testimony - Biography

We will take a recess at this time until half-past 3.

[Thereupon, at 2.25 p. m., the committee took a recess until 3.30 p.m.]


The subcommittee reconvened at 3.55 o'clock p. m., Senator William Alden Smith (chairman), presiding.

Senator SMITH.
Mr. Fleet, I will not have you resume the stand immediately. I want to put Maj. Peuchen on.


Arthur G. Peuchen  –  First Class Passenger, SS Titanic
Testimony - Biography

With the committee's consent, we will take a recess until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Mr. Fleet, you will be excused until 10 o'clock tomorrow.

(At 5.40 o'clock p. m. the subcommittee adjourned until tomorrow, Wednesday, April 24, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m.)