By Mr. Newcombe:
6351. I want to ask you a few more questions in regard to your wrecking operations. You are an engineer, Mr. Wotherspoon?
- Yes, sir.
6352. An engineer of the Canadian Salvage Association?
- Yes, sir.
6353. What is your engagement in respect to the operations on the Empress of Ireland?
- First, to attempt to obtain the bodies, then the mails and then a quantity of silver.
6354. You are engaged by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to make every effort possible to recover the bodies that are lying in the boat?
- Yes, sir.
6355. By the Postmaster General to recover the mails and by the Insurers to recover the bullion?
- Quite right, sir.
6356. Will you tell the Court what experience you have had as an engineer prior to these operations?
- In regard to what orders I have?
6357. No, I want to make clear your qualifications and equipment for carrying out the engagement to recover the bodies. You are an engineer of considerable experience in salvage operations?
- I have had some practice, yes, sir.
6358. Can you state very briefly what your experience has been?
- We have salved a number of vessels in these waters, the Bavarian, with Mr. George Davey, the Royal George and the Mount Temple and in the United States I could hardly remember all the names. We have about a salvage case a month there.
6359. You are the engineer of the American Salvage Co?
- Yes, it is called the Yankee Salvage Association.
6360. And also of the Canadian Salvage Association?
- Yes, sir.
6361. You have had experience in operations similar to those which you are now undertaking?
- In regard to deep diving, we were engaged on a vessel called the Yankee for nearly a year with some ten or twelve divers, and it required a considerable equipment. We also examined the Islesworth off Halifax in almost a similar depth of water. The British Admiralty, a few years ago, made certain investigations in regard to deep sea diving and these investigations practically revolutionized deep sea diving. It is quite the best in view of the fine performances of chief gunner McDiarmid and the two men whom he had on his staff. These divers, while fully maintaining the best traditions of the British navy, showed the skill and perfection to which the art had attained.
6362. These are the divers from?
- H. M. S. Essex.
6363. Has the ship a very thorough diving apparatus?
- Yes, sir. It so happens that this chief gunner was instructor in one of the schools where these investigations were carried on and not only has he the gear that one would naturally expect the vessel to have but, on account of his experience, I take it that he rather took a little more care in selecting it so that it is quite the best -
6364. So that you have these very highly trained and skilful men for diving?
- None better.
6365. What equipment have you got there?
- On the vessel, as well as this English gear, air compressors are used.
6366. The Commander of the Essex has placed his gear at your disposal for these operations?
- Yes, sir, as well as their air compressors and so forth for use with the diving gear in case a man did not want to descend for any time. There is also a recompression chamber, a steel chamber, into which the diver can go in case the air pressure affects him. One of"the principal things that was discovered in these investigations in England in regard to deep sea diving was that the time of recompression, the method and manner in which a man was taken from a very considerable pressure to a lighter pressure, was most important. This chamber has a door in it and instead of the discomfort of remaining at a certain depth in the water this chamber will give the diver the right pressure and he can go into the chamber and remain in comfort while he gets this low pressure again.
6367. Speaking generally, in regard to the plan and equipment for saving these bodies, including the material you have been talking about just now, do you say that you have everything there that money can procure or science suggest?
- Yes, sir.
6367½. You have a thoroughly equipped and efficient service there?
- Yes, sir.
6368. Is it your engagement that you are to continue your operations there until you have saved all the bodies that it is possible to save?
- Do you wish my instructions?
6369. I want you to answer that question.
- Yes, we are to continue there until every effort is made.
6370. You are practically at the beginning of the season and in the most favourable time of the year for these operations?
- Yes.
Witness retired.