United States Senate Inquiry

Day 10

(The subcommittee met at 10.30 o'clock a. m.)

Present: Senators Smith (chairman), Newlands, and Fletcher.


Guglielmo Marconi  –  Recalled.
Testimony - Biography

I desire the record to show the following telegram:

BREMEN, April 29,1912.

Chairman Senate Committee Investigating Titanic Disaster, New York:
First advice from Titanic about collision 10.40 evening, New York time, 39º 47' N., 52º 21' W. Frankfurt took position to Titanic after 30 minutes maximum speed 13 miles total distance 140 miles arrived 9.20 morning New York time.

HATTORF, Commander

I would like to have the record show that this position of the Frankfurt practically agrees with the testimony that has been submitted to the committee, there being a discrepancy of only about 10 miles in any event in the position here taken.

Mr. Sammis, will you take the stand and be sworn?


Frederick Sammis  –  Chief Engineer, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America.

Senator SMITH.
Mr. Bride, are you perfectly comfortable today?

Yes, sir; thank you.

Senator SMITH
Will it be any special accommodation to you to go on now, or will it suit you just as well to go on after luncheon?

Either way, sir.

Senator SMITH.
Then we will take a recess until 2.30.

(Thereupon at 1.15 p. m. the committee took a recess until 2.30 o'clock p. m.)


The subcommittee met pursuant to adjournment, Senator William Alden Smith (chairman), presiding.

Senator SMITH.
I will now call Mr. Hugh Woolner, 29 Welbeck Street West, Conservative Club, London.


Hugh Woolner  –  First Class Passenger, SS Titanic.
Testimony - Biography

Senator SMITH.
Mr. Sammis, I will not delay you longer. We may ask something of you later, but not today.

Thank you.


Harold Bride  –  Recalled.
Testimony - Biography

Joseph Groves Boxhall  –  Recalled.
Testimony - Biography

Harold Thomas Cottam  –  Recalled.
Testimony - Biography

Senator SMITH.
That is all. I think that finishes with the members of the crew and the officers.

Senator Burton wanted to ask Mr. Boxhall a few questions, but I do not know of any reason why we should hold the witnesses any longer. I think we will get through with Mr. Ismay tomorrow, and if it is not objected to by any members of the committee, I think you may arrange to let the members of the crew and the officers go, Mr. Cornelius. I would like from Mr. Lightoller, the ranking officer, the information that has been especially asked for - the name and home address of each of these men. If we should care to see them again, or ask some further questions, we might do so at some later time.

That does not mean that you want Mr. Lightoller back to give that information?

Senator SMITH.
I want to know that I am going to get it; that is all.

Then we can arrange to let them all go?

Senator SMITH.
So far as the committee know, there is no other course necessary. I did want Senator Burton to see Mr. Boxhall, because he asked especially to be permitted to ask him some questions, and I might suggest that if Mr. Boxhall would care to call upon Senator Burton this evening, he might be able to get through with him; or, he might appear tomorrow morning for a few moments.

But the other members of the crew and the officers may return?

Senator SMITH.
So far as I know; and we will try to finish with Mr. Ismay tomorrow morning. We will stand adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

(Thereupon at 6 20 o'clock p. m., the committee adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday, April 30, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m.)

The following is a copy of the notes of the wireless operator of the Mount Temple, introduced during the testimony of Capt. James Henry Moore, on Saturday, April 27, 1912.


Procès-verbal - ss Mount Temple.


Joseph Groves Boxhall  –  Additional Testimony.
Testimony - Biography

(Thereupon, at 7.10 p. m., the subcommittee adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday, April 30, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m.)