Examined by Mr. BRANSON.
1726. Were you a fireman on board the "Lusitania”?
- Yes.
1727. Were you in the No. 1 stokehold on the 12 to 4 watch on the day of this disaster?
- Yes.
1728. Were you working at the centre boiler on the port side of the ship?
- Yes.
1729. As you were working there did you hear an explosion?
- Yes.
1730. Where did you think the explosion came from?
- I thought it came from the forward end on the starboard side, from the forward side of the starboard boiler.
1731. Did water come into the boiler room?
- Yes.
1732. How soon after you had heard the explosion?
- About 2 or 3 minutes.
1733. Was it much water?
- Well, I ran to the watertight door, that was shut down, and by the time I got back it was coming through the boilers. There would be about a foot and a half then.
1734. Then I think you got to the escape ladder and up the ventilator?
- I got knocked down by the force of the water, but I got up and went up the escape ladder and got out on the deck.
1735. And fortunately you were rescued?
- Yes.
(The Witness withdrew.)