Relationship to Titanic disaster / inquiries.
On June 14, 1912 at the British investigation, Canada's captain R. O. Jones testified that he had been in the same ice field as encountered by Titanic on April 14; that he, too, had received ice warning wireless messages, but he ". . kept the Canada going at full speed as he always had done for 20 years."
(Canada was eastbound, Portland, Maine to Liverpool. On April 16 at Liverpool, Capt. Jones reported that on April 10 he had sighted about 10 miles of heavy broken and open field ice, along with several large bergs, in the vicinity of 43.10 N., 49.20 W.)
May 14, 1896
September 27, 1896
Sea trials.
October 1, 1896
Maiden voyage, Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal.
December 3, 1896
First voyage, Liverpool - Boston.
November 1899
Transport service to South Africa. (Boer War) until autumn 1902.
March 1903
Liverpool - Halifax - Boston (Tonnage 9,413)
April 1903
Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal.
World War transport service.
November 1918
First post-war voyage, Liverpool - Portland, Maine. (Accommodation: Cabin 463, Third Class 755.)
August 13, 1926
Last voyage, Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal and return.
Autumn 1926
Scrapped in Italy.