(Mr. J. Bruce Ismay, being duly sworn by the chairman, testified as follows:)
Examined by Senator Smith.
1. Mr. Ismay, for the purpose of simplifying this hearing, I will ask you a few preliminary questions. First state your full name, please?
- Joseph Bruce Ismay.
2. And your place of residence?
- Liverpool.
3. And your age?
- I shall be 50 on the 12th of December.
4. And your occupation?
- Ship owner.
5. Are you an officer of the White Star Line?
- I am.
6. In what capacity?
- Managing Director.
7. As such officer, were you officially designated to make the trial trip of the Titanic?
- No.
8. Were you a voluntary passenger?
- A voluntary passenger, yes.
9. Where did you board the ship?
- At Southampton.
10. At what time?
- I think it was 9. 30 in the morning.
11. Of what day?
- The 10th of April.
12. The port of destination was New York?
- New York.
13. Will you kindly tell the Committee the circumstances surrounding your voyage, and, as succinctly as possible, beginning with your going aboard the vessel at Liverpool, your place on the ship on the voyage, together with any circumstances you feel would be helpful to us in this inquiry?
- In the first place, I would like to express my sincere grief at this deplorable catastrophe.
I understand that you gentlemen have been appointed as a Committee of the Senate to inquire into the circumstances. So far as we are concerned, we welcome it. We court the fullest inquiry. We have nothing to conceal; nothing to hide. The ship was built in Belfast. She was the latest thing in the art of shipbuilding; absolutely no money was spared in her construction. She was not built by contract. She was simply built on a commission.
She left Belfast, as far as I remember - I am not absolutely clear about these dates - I think it was on the 1st of April.
She underwent her trials, which were entirely satisfactory. She then proceeded to Southampton; arriving there on Wednesday.
14. Will you describe the trials she went through?
- I was not present.
She arrived at Southampton on Wednesday, the 3rd, I think, and sailed on Wednesday, the 10th. She left Southampton at 12 o'clock.
She arrived in Cherbourg that evening, having run over at 68 revolutions.
We left Cherbourg and proceeded to Queenstown. We arrived there, I think, about midday on Thursday.
We ran from Cherbourg to Queenstown at 70 revolutions.
After embarking the mails and passengers, we proceeded at 70 revolutions. I am not absolutely clear what the first day's run was, whether it was 464 miles or 484 miles.
The second day the number of revolutions was increased. I think the number of revolutions on the second day was about 72. I think we ran on the second day 519 miles.
The third day the revolutions were increased to 75, and I think we ran 546 or 549 miles.
The weather during this time was absolutely fine, with the exception, I think, of about 10 minutes' fog one evening.
The accident took place on Sunday night. What the exact time was I do not know. I was in bed myself, asleep, when the accident happened.
The ship sank, I am told, at 2:20.
That, sir, I think is all I can tell you.
I understand it has been stated that the ship was going at full speed. The ship never had been at full speed. The full speed of the ship is 78 revolutions. She works up to 80. So far as I am aware, she never exceeded 75 revolutions. She had not all her boilers on. None of the single-ended boilers were on.
It was our intention, if we had fine weather on Monday afternoon or Tuesday, to drive the ship at full speed. That, owing to the unfortunate catastrophe, never eventuated.
15. Will you describe what you did after the impact or collision?
- I presume the impact awakened me.
I lay in bed for a moment or two afterwards, not realizing, probably, what had happened. Eventually I got up and walked along the passageway and met one of the stewards, and said, "What has happened?" He said, "I do not know, sir. "
I then went back into my room, put my coat on, and went up on the bridge, where I found Capt. Smith. I asked him what had happened, and he said, "We have struck ice. " I said, "Do you think the ship is seriously damaged?" He said, "I am afraid she is. "
I then went down below, I think it was, where I met Mr. Bell, the chief engineer, who was in the main companionway. I asked if he thought the ship was seriously damaged, and he said he thought she was, but was quite satisfied the pumps would keep her afloat.
I think I went back onto the bridge. I heard the order given to get the boats out. I walked along to the starboard side of the ship, where I met one of the officers. I told him to get the boats out -
16. What officer?
- That I could not remember, sir.
I assisted, as best I could, getting the boats out and putting the women and children into the boats.
I stood upon that deck practically until I left the ship in the starboard collapsible lifeboat, which is the last boat to leave the ship, so far as I know. More than that I do not know.
17. Did the captain remain on the bridge?
- That I could not tell you, sir.
18. Did you leave him on the bridge?
- Yes, sir.
19. His first statement to you was that he felt she was seriously damaged?
- Yes, sir.
20. And the next statement of the chief engineer was what?
- To the same effect.
21. To the same effect?
- Yes.
22. But that he hoped the pumps might keep her afloat?
- Yes.
23. Did you have any talk with any officer other than the captain or the chief engineer and the steward that you met?
- Not that I remember.
24. Did the officers seem to know the serious character of this collision?
- That I could not tell, sir, because I had no conversation with them.
25. Did any officer say to you that it evidently was not serious?
- No, sir.
26. All the officers with whom you talked expressed the same fear, saying that it was serious?
- I did not speak to any of them, sir.
27. Except the captain?
- Except the captain and the chief engineer. I have already stated that I had spoken to them; but to no other officer that I remember.
28. You went to the bridge immediately after you had returned to your room?
- After I had put on my coat I went up to the bridge.
29. And you found the captain there?
- The captain was there.
30. In what part of the ship were your quarters?
- My quarters were on B deck, just aft of the main companionway.
31. I wish you would describe just where that was.
- The sun deck is the upper deck of all. Then we have what we call the A deck, which is the next deck, and then the B deck.
32. (Mr. Uhler.) The second passenger deck?
- We carry very few passengers on the A deck. I think we have a diagram here that will show you these decks. Here it is, and there is the room I was occupying (indicating on diagram).
33. (Senator Smith.) What is the number of that room?
- B-52 is the room I had.
34. You had the suite?
- I had the suite; I was sleeping in that room (indicating on diagram), as a matter of fact.
35. Do you know whether there were any passengers on that deck?
- I have no idea, sir.
36. You say that the trip was a voluntary trip on your part?
- Absolutely.
37. For the purpose of viewing this ship in action, or did you have some business in New York?
- I had no business to bring me to New York at all. I simply came in the natural course of events, as one is apt to, in the case of a new ship, to see how she works, and with the idea of seeing how we could improve on her for the next ship which we are building.
38. Were there any other executive officers of the company aboard?
- None.
39. Was the inspector or builder on board?
- There was a representative of the builders on board.
40. Who was he?
- Mr. Thomas Andrews.
41. In what capacity was he?
- I do not quite follow you.
42. What was the occasion of his coming to make this trial trip?
- As a representative of the builders, to see that everything was working satisfactorily and also to see how he could improve the next ship.
43. Was he a man of large experience?
- Yes.
44. Had he had part in the construction of this ship himself?
- Yes.
45. Was he among the survivors?
- Unfortunately, no.
46. How old a man was he?
- It is difficult to judge a man's age, as you know, but I should think he was perhaps 42 or 43 years of age. He may have been less. I really could not say.
47. Then, you were the only executive officer aboard representing your company, aside from the ship's customary complement of officers?
- Yes, sir.
48. Did you have occasion to consult with the captain about the movement of the ship?
- Never.
49. Did he consult you about it?
- Never. Perhaps I am wrong in saying that. I should like to say this: I do not know that it was quite a matter of consulting him about it, of his consulting me about it, but what we had arranged to do was that we would not attempt to arrive in New York at the lightship before 5 o'clock on Wednesday morning.
50. That was the understanding?
- Yes. But that was arranged before we left Queenstown.
51. Was it supposed that you could reach New York at that time without putting the ship to its full running capacity?
- Oh, yes, sir. There was nothing to be gained by arriving at New York any earlier than that.
52. You spoke of the revolutions on the early part of the voyage.
- Yes, sir.
53. Those were increased as the distance was increased?
- The Titanic being a new ship, we were gradually working her up. When you bring out a new ship you naturally do not start her running at full speed until you get everything working smoothly and satisfactorily down below.
54. Did I understand you to say that she exceeded 70 revolutions?
- Yes, sir; she was going 75 revolutions on Tuesday.
55. On Tuesday?
- No; I am wrong - on Saturday. I am mixed up as to the days.