United States Senate Inquiry


Passenger List
First-Class Passengers, cont.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

- K -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Kent, Mr. Edward A.


512 Delavan Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.

Kenyon, Mr. F. R.


Care of J. Kenyon, Southington, Conn.

Kenyon, Mrs. F. R.

Kimball, Mr. E. N.


Care of McKean, Brewster & Morgan, 40 Wall Street, New York.

Kimball, Mrs. E. N.

Klaber, Mr. Herman


Care of D. S. Netter, 441 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


- L -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher Fellows

6 W. Bickerall Mansions, Gloucester Place, London, W.


Leader, Mrs. F. A.



Lewy, Mr. E. G.


Lew Bros. Co., State and Adams Streets, Chicago, Ill.

Lindstrom, Mrs. J.



Lines, Mrs. Ernest H.


Care of Krauthoff, Harmon & Mathewson, 55 Wall Street, New York City.

Lines, Miss Mary C.

Lingrey Mr Edward



Long, Mr. Milton C.


Springfield, Mass.

Longley, Miss Gretchen F.



Loring, Mr. J. H.

28 Park Lane, London, W.

Care of Thos. Plunkett, 49 Broadway, New York City.


- M -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra

4 South Terrace, Littlehampton.

4140 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.

Maguire, Mr. J. E.



Marechal, Mr. Pierre



Marvin, Mr. D. W.

58 Acre Lane, Brixton, S. W.


Marvin, Mrs. D. W.

McCaffry. Mr. T.


Vancouver, British Columbia.

McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J.



McGough, Mr. J. R.


Gimbell Bros., New York City.

Meyer, Mr. Edgar J.


Care of Saks & Co., New York City.

Meyer, Mrs. Edgar J.

Millet, Mr. Frank D.



Minahan, Dr. W. E.

Savoy Hotel, London, W.

Fond du Lac, Wis.

Minahan, Mrs. W. E.

Minahan, Miss Daisy

Mock, Mr. Phillip E.


Care of Curtis, Mallet, Prevost & Colt, 30 Broad Street, New York City.

Molsom, Mr. H. Markland

Junior Athenaeum Club, Piccadilly, W.

Montreal, Quebec.

Moore, Mr. Clarence and Manservant
[Mr. ?]

Almond's Hotel, Clifford Street, W.

1716 Massachussetts Avenue, Washington, D. C.


- N -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Natsch, Mr. Charles



Newell, Mr. A. W.


Care of Bureau of University Navel, Boston, Mass.

Newell, Miss Alice

Newell, Miss Madeline

Newsom, Miss Helen


Care of McKean, Brewster, & Morgan, 40 Wall Street, New York City.

Nicholson, Mr. A. S.


Care of Mrs. E. M. Cory, 1 Greenwood Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.


- O -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Omont, Mr. F.



Ostby, Mr. E. C.


Providence, R. I.

Ostby, Miss Helen R.

Ovies, Mr. S.


Care of H. B. Claflin Co., New York City, Mr. J. M. Menendez.


- P -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Parr, Mr. M. H. W.



Partner, Mr. Austin

Care of Meyers & Robertson, 11 Copthall Court, London, E. C.

Care of Barrow, Wade & Guthrie, 25 Broad Street, New York City.

Payne, Mr. V.

Grand Trunk Ry., London S. W.

Grand Trunk Ry., Montreal.

Pears, Mr. Thomas

"Inevagissey," Isleworth, N. W.

Care of Walter Janvier, 417 Canal Street, New York City.

Pears, Mrs. Thomas

Penasco, Mr. Victor


Care of Mrs. F. Garcia, 6 East 58th Street, New York City. Sail La Provence May 9.

Penasco, Mrs. Victor and Maid
[Ms. Dona Oliva y Ocana]

Peuchen, Major Arthur


Toronto, Ontario.

Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain



Potter, Mrs. Thomas, Jr.


Care of R. B. Evans, 1335 Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa.


- R -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Reuchlin, Mr. Jonkheer, J. G.


Care of Holland-America Line, 39 Broadway, New York City.

Rheims, Mr. George

42 Rue de Paradis, Paris


Robert, Mrs. Edward S. and Maid
[Emelie Kreuchen]

4 South Terrace, Littlehampton.

4140 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.

Roebling, Mr. Washington A. 2d


Trenton, N. J.

Rolmaine, Mr. C.


235 West 107th Street, New York City.

Rood, Mr. Hugh R.

Ritz Hotel, London, W.


Rosenbaum, Miss



Ross, Mr. J. Hugo

Savoy Hotel, London.


Rothes, the Countess of and Maid
[Ms. Maloney]


Ritz Carlton Hotel, New York City.

Rothschild, Mr. M.


753 West End Avenue, New York City.

Rothschild, Mrs. M.

Rowe, Mr. Alfred

6 Petersham Place, Gloucester, Road, W.

Care of Knox & Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City.

Ryerson, Mr. Arthur


Care of G. S. O'Loughlin, 31 Nassau Street, New York City.

Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur and Maid
[Victorine Chaudanson]

Ryerson, Miss Emily

Ryerson, Miss Susan

Ryerson, Master Jack

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