United States Senate Inquiry


Passenger List
First-Class Passengers, cont.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

- D -

Passenger Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Daly, Mr. P. D.


Care of Curtis, Mallet, Prevost & Colt, 30 Broad Street, New York City.

Daniel, Mr. Robert W.


328 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Davidson, Mr. Thornton


Care of Mr. Sparling, Grand Trunk Ry., 299 Broadway, New York City.

Davidson, Mrs. Thornton

de Villiers, Mrs. B.

111 Rue Farder, Brussels.


Dick, Mr. A. A.

Care of Dean & Dawson, Hotel Cecil, London.

Calgary, Alberta.

Dick, Mrs. A. A.

Dodge, Dr. Washington


San Francisco, Cal.; attorney, Nathan Urdaver, 116 Nassau Street, New York.

Dodge, Mrs. Washington

Dodge, Master Washington

Douglas, Mrs. F. C.



Douglas, Mr. W. D.


Minneapolis, Minn.

Douglas, Mrs. W. D. and Maid
[Bertha LeRoy]

Dulles, Mr. William C.




- E -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Earnshew, Mrs. Boulton


Care of R. B. Evans, 1335 Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa.

Endres, Miss Caroline


Care of D. H. McIntyre, Punxsutawney, Pa.

Eustis, Miss E. M.


Hotel Belmont, New York City.

Evans, Miss E.


Care of E. G. Alsdorf, 40 Wall Street, New York City.


- F -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Flegenheim, Mrs. A.



Flynn, Mr. J. I.


Gimbel Bros., New York City.

Foreman, Mr. B. L.


306 West Ninety-ninth street, New York City.

Fortune, Mr. Mark

Hotel Metropole, London.

291 1/2 Portage Avenue, Winnepeg, Manitoba.

Fortune, Mrs. Mark

Fortune, Miss Ethel

Fortune, Miss Alice

Fortune, Miss Mabel

Fortune, Mr. Charles

Franklin, Mr. T. P.

17 Cheapside, E. C.


Frauenthal Mr. T. G.



Frauenthal, Dr. Henry W.



Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry W.



Frolicher, Miss Marguerite

Care of Mr. Obersteg, Basel.

Care of E. J. Stehli, 13 West Seventy-sixth Street, New York City.

Futrelle, Mr. J.

44 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W.

Hotel Belmont, New York City.

Futrelle, Mrs. J.


- G -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Gee, Mr. Arthur


Care of Edwin Gee, Lawrence, Mass.

Gibson, Mrs. L.


Care of Curtis, Mallet, Prevost & Colt, 30 Broad Street, New York City.

Gibson, Miss D.

Giglio, Mr. Victor

57 Avenue Montalgne, Paris


Goldenberg, Mr. E. L.


Care of Curtis, Mallet, Prevost & Colt, 30 Broad Street, New York City.

Goldenberg, Mrs. E. L.

Goldschmidt, Mr. George B.



Duff-Gordon, Sir Cosmo


Care of Lucile (Ltd.), 17 west Thirty-sixth Street, New York (sailed Lusitania, May 8, 1912).

Duff-Gordon, Lady Lucille and Maid
[Laura Francatelli]

Gracie, Colonel Archibald

Savoy Hotel, London, W.

Hotel St. Loine, Washington Square, New York City.

Graham, Mr.



Graham, Mrs William G.



Graham, Miss Margaret



Greenfield, Mrs. L. D.



Greenfield, Mr. W. B.



Guggenheim, Mr Benjamin


Care of J. K. McGowan, 165 Broadway, New York.


- H -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Harder, Mr. George A.


117 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Harder, Mrs. George A.

Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper and Manservant [Hamad Hassah]



Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper



Harris, Mr. Henry B.


50 Central Park West, New York City.

Harris, Mrs. Henry B.



Harrison, Mr. W. H.

30 James Street, Liverpool.


Hawksford, Mr. W. J.



Hays, Mr. Charles M.

Grand Trunk Ry., London S. W.

Grand Trunk Ry., Montreal.

Hays, Mrs. Charles M. and Maid
[Ms. Anne Pericault]

Hays, Miss Margaret


304 West Eighty-third Street, New York City.

Head, Mr. Christopher


Care of G. W. Head, Grain Exchange, Winnipeg.

Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry


Boston, Mass.

Hipkins, Mr. W. E.


Avery Scale Co., North Milwaukee, Wis.

Hippach, Mrs. Ida S.


Hotel Imperial, New York City.

Hippach, Miss Jean

Hogeboom, Mrs. John C.



Holverson, Mr. A. O.

Piccadilly Hotel, London, W.

Cluett, Peabody & Co., New York City.

Holverson, Mrs. A. O.



Hoyt, Mr. Frederick M.

Care of Brown, Shipley & Co., London.


Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick M.

Hoyt, Mr. W. F.


36 West Thirty- fifth Street, New York City.


- I -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Isham, Mrs. A. E.


Care of Edward Isham, 26 West Thirty-seventh Street, New York.

Ismay, Mr. J. Bruce and Manservant
[Richard Fry]

30 James Street, Liverpool.



- J -

Passenger's Name.

European Address.

American Address.

Jakob, Mr. Birnbaum

11 Rue Membling, Antwerp.


Jones, Mr. C. C.


Fillimore Farms, Bennington, Vt.

Julian, Mr. H. F.


Care of G. W. Shepherd, 30 Church Street, New York.

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