British Wreck Commissioner's Inquiry
Day 10
Testimony of James C. Barr
Examined by the ATTORNEY-GENERAL.
The Commissioner:
Just read those to him.
12305. (The Attorney-General - To the witness.) You are master of the Cunard steamship "Caronia"?
- Yes.
12306. You had left New York on April 10th of this year for Liverpool?
- Yes.
12307. On that morning of the 14th of April, that is, on the Sunday morning, do you remember sending this Marconigram to the "Titanic"; "West-bound steamers report bergs, growlers and field ice in 42 N. from 49 to 51 W."?
- Yes, I remember sending it.
12308. That is sent, I see from your note, at nine o'clock in the morning. That is ship's time, I suppose?
- Yes, ship's time.
12309. And did you receive a reply at 9.44 a.m., your ship's time?
- Yes, as per that statement.
12310. The reply is: "Thanks for message and information. Have had variable weather throughout - Smith"?
- That is true.
12311. Can you give us the latitude and longitude of your ship when you sent this Marconigram?
The Commissioner:
I thought I had got it.
12312. (The Attorney-General.) No, that is what he says the west-bound steamers had reported to him. (To the witness.) What I wanted was to get your position. We can work out for ourselves where you were?
- I could not give you that position from memory. It is not usual to take the position on sending a message.
12313. But do you know about where you were?
- Well, no, I could not even tell you about where I was then. He did not give me his, you know.
12314. (The Commissioner.) Can you give us the New York time?
- I could not tell you without referring to the Logbook.
12315. Have you a Log?
- I have not the Log here.
12315a. (The Attorney-General.) Will you send it to us?
- I can do that, certainly.
12316. Will you do that and tell us as nearly as you can; it is only for the purpose of seeing where you were when you sent that Marconigram. Will you send it to us and we will work it out and produce to the Court what your position was?
- Yes.
12317. (The Commissioner.) At 9 a.m., it was sent; was that ships time?
- Yes.
12318. And 9.44, the answer; was that ships' time?
- Yes, My ships' time - the time it was received.
Mr. Scanlan:
I have nothing to ask this Witness on the evidence he has given. I am submitting to your Lordship whether I would be in order to examine him on some general matters that have been brought up in this Inquiry as to look-out and lifeboats and manning. I submit the matter for your Lordship.
The Commissioner:
I am not going to shut it out, but I think, as this gentleman is in a hurry to get away, you might forgive him, and let him go.
Mr. Scanlan:
Yes, My Lord.
(The Witness withdrew.)