I hereby declare: --
1. That on 2nd April, 1912, I completed the inspection of (a) -------------------------------------- the steamship Titanic, of Liverpool, Official Number 131428.
(a) If the survey was partial, state what parts were surveyed.
2. That the hull and machinery are sufficient for the service intended and in good condition.
3. That the boats, life-saving appliances, lights, signals, compasses, safety valves and fire hose are such and in such condition as are required by the Merchant Shipping Act.
4. That the hull, machinery and equipments will in my judgment be sufficient until (b) 2nd, April, 1913.
(b) Insert date or dates.
5. That the load to be placed on the safety valves should not exceed the pressure in lbs. per square inch stated on page 4 of this form, and that the safety valves have been adjusted accordingly.
6. That the vessel, as regards the hull, machinery and equipments is in my judgment fit to ply as a foreign-going passenger steamer.
7. That the vessel is in my judgment fit to carry the number of passengers stated on page 2 of this form under the conditions there indicated, provided there is no encumbrance of the space measured for passenger accommodation.
8. That the certificates of the master, mates and engineers are such as are required by the Merchant Shipping Acts.
this 3rd day of April, 1912,
Engineer and Ship Surveyor.
Mr. Caruthers expenses
.. £ 2 18 1
Other Surveyors expenses
.. £ 54 10 0
Balance of fee
. ... ... ... £ 105 8 9
I certify that the sum of £ 2 18s. 1d., which is made up as detailed in the margin, has been actually paid to me for travelling expenses in connection with the survey of the Steamer referred to in this declaration; and that the sum of £48 0s. 0d. is also as fee short paid under the scale sanctioned by the Board of Trade.
Examiner and Ship Surveyor